Thursday, August 5, 2010

March Fourth is going to GERMANY!! We have been hired to play a music festival in Lower Saxony. Our payment was originally supposed to cover our airfare, but then randomly the Euro dropped in value so all of a sudden our payment was worth waaaaay less than before. So we are fund raising! Even though it is tough work, it is fun and gratifying. So come on out this Friday and shake yer booty! And get some cool schwag... we've had so many amazing businesses donate stuff for our raffle, silent auction, and LIVE auction. We are gonna have so much FUN!!!! Whether you can come on Friday or not, visit our Kickstarter page where you can donate to the cause. every little bit helps~
Help us bring Joy to the World!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello out there in hooplandia! I know you are getting excited that the weather has begun to turn (well ok it turned cold again but I just KNOW the warm is on it's way!) And don't forget daylight savings is Sunday the 14th of March so that means an extra hour of hooping in the park! Or in your backyard, or wherever possible since it seems like once you pick up a hula hoop for the first time, it becomes an obsession and you can't seem to put it down unless you have to do something extremely important like eat food or go to work... I remember when I first started hooping, I used to hoop behind the building on my lunch break at work! Just letting you all know that I teach a hoop class at the 24 Hour Fitness on Holgate/McGloughlin every Thursday evening at 7:30, come play with us! If you are not currently a member, you can sign up for a free week at the club and attend any class! Then you can decide if you want to join up after that. I am also interested in starting a weekly class in a dance studio near you so drop me a line and let me know what nights would work good for you! (top photo by Peter Belfante at the Wonder Ballroom, Portland, OR March Fourth CD release party November 2009)